Buildings at the three gas distribution stations in Lithuania are rising! The MT Group has made significant progress on the three parallel projects. The Detail Design is completed.  Most of the necessary gas technology equipment has been delivered to Lithuania.

Kėdainiai DSS | The concrete foundations of the building and lightning rods are complete. The metal structures of the building have been assembled on-site. An underground condensate tank for gas filters has been installed. Currently, we are planning to finish the fire painting of the metal structures and begin preparing for floor concreting. 90% of the main gas technology equipment has been delivered to Lithuania.

Vievis DSS | The construction of the building is complete. 95% of the main gas technology equipment has been brought to the site and installed. All above-ground pipeline spools have been painted in the factory and transported to the construction site. The main underground gas pipelines have been welded, NDT and coating have been completed successfully. The installation of HVAC, heat boilers, electrical, automation, communications, and other systems is being executed.

Grigiškės DSS | The foundations have been concreted, floor structures are being assembled, and metal structures have been fire painted and assembled on-site. 90% of the main gas technology equipment has been brought to the site. Welding of the spools of the distribution line has begun and will be completed by the end of February.

The reconstruction projects of the Vievis, Kedainiai, and Grigiskes gas distribution stations are part of the National Electricity and Natural Gas Transmission Infrastructure Project Implementation Plan. It is being implemented by the National Gas Transmission System Operator, Amber Grid.